Celebrating Employee Ownership at Mathematica

Celebrating Employee Ownership at Mathematica

50th Anniversary Video Highlights the Path to Progress
Oct 03, 2018

Instead of one owner of Mathematica, there are more than 1,200.

That is because Chuck Metcalf, Board of Directors member and former President and CEO, helped forge the path to employee ownership in 1986, when a group of staff purchased the company from its corporate parent. Metcalf talks about employee ownership as a driver of Mathematica’s culture and ability to achieve our mission in a new video celebrating our 50th anniversary.

Being independent and employee-owned has empowered the firm to deliver impressive results. As the insight partner for public and private sector change makers, our 1,200+ employee owners dive into urgent social challenges with rigor and objectivity to give our partners the clarity they need to find out what can be done and how to make it happen.

In 2005 we became 100 percent employee owned under an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), a benefit plan that makes all employees owners of the company’s stock. Our shared corporate vision creates opportunities and incentives, spurs creativity, and increases productivity and retention.

President and CEO Paul Decker notes that, “Our ownership culture means that everyone is guided by shared values, which has helped our company earn loyalty from our clients through close partnerships that help them move quickly on the clearest path to progress.”

Read more about some of our employee owners.