Brian Gill in FutureEd: What We Know—and Need to Know—About Private-School Choice

Brian Gill in FutureEd: What We Know—and Need to Know—About Private-School Choice

Sep 06, 2017

With private-school choice at the top of the Trump administration’s education agenda, Mathematica’s Brian Gill takes to FutureEd’s Explainers series to go beyond test scores and tackle key questions about the effects of private-school choice.

What are the best ways to expand seats in high quality schools of choice? Who gets to participate? What’s the impact on racial integration? What are the effects on long-term student outcomes? What is the indirect effect on students who stay in public schools? How do voucher programs affect students’ preparation for citizenship?

As Gill notes:

Answers, unfortunately, are incomplete for many of [these questions], which means we researchers have more work to do. Even so, there is a lot of existing evidence on these questions that is relevant to the policy debate.

Read the full piece at Future Ed

About the Author

David Roberts

David Roberts

Director, Strategic Communications
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